Is your firm missing out on potential opportunities due to calls not answered by a receptionist in a timely manner? Are your colleagues unable to communicate critical information with each other on a minute’s notice, no matter where they are –at a client, in court, on the road?.
If so CTI Cloud's Hosted Business PBX is the unified communications solution you are looking for enabling your team to communicate from multiple locations via desk phone, mobile device, voicemail, fax, email, IM and web conferencing, not only to be competitive, but to provide the highest level of customer service your clients deserve and have come to expect.
If so CTI Cloud's Hosted Business PBX is the unified communications solution you are looking for enabling your team to communicate from multiple locations via desk phone, mobile device, voicemail, fax, email, IM and web conferencing, not only to be competitive, but to provide the highest level of customer service your clients deserve and have come to expect.
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- No large capital investment. No phone system or software to purchase and maintain.
- Affordable monthly fee.
- Unlimited calling within the US and Canada.
- A virtual PBX with over 50 User, Group, Management and System features.
- Collaboration tools. Web Conferencing, Chat and Presence.
- ReachUC Mobile App enabling you to twin your smartphone device, iPad or tablet to your desktop phone extension. Available on Apple IOS and Android mobile devices, as well as Mac and Windows desktops.
- Integration to 120 CRM applications.
- 99.999% redundancy.
- Software options include CTI Attendant Console for quick and efficient call processing and Suite Accounting, CTI’s accounts receivable/billing module.